This is one of my favorite projects each year – my friend is 14 and she is a Girl Scout. She and her Mom have been selling cookies for many years. For the past several, they accept orders for cookies to be donated to local LGBTQ organizations that work with youth. She has lots of friends who are part of the LGBTQ community and this is one way she supports other young people who may not have the support of their family.
The cookies will be distributed to Proud Haven, Pittsburgh Equality Center, Persad Center, THRIVE, and M.A.D.E. I.T. Other groups that would like some cookies can reach out to me via email and let me know. We’ll simply divide everything evenly across the groups.
DEADLINE to ORDER is January 25.
The process is very simple.
To use the online form to order cookies (4 box minimum), go here for the link
- Select your cookies (4 box minimum)
- Select “In Person Delivery” (the free option)
- When you enter your billing information, write “LGBTQ Youth” or “Youth” in the line for business or organization so Faith and her Mom will know that’s what you intend.
- Enter your payment information
- BE CAREFUL – the donation line on the website form is for the national Girl Scout project that donates cookies to the military. Do that, too, if you can! But it is not the cookies for our little effort.
If you prefer to order from a person, Mom is named Amy and her email is agarrison445 @ – she will get you all hooked up. No minimum purchase and still free delivery if you order through Mom.
Some suggestions
- ask your coworkers who are searching for a cookie source to consider this, place a group order and ask everyone to throw in a few dollars to donate cookies
- if you are holding an LGBTQ meeting or event, ask people to invest or chip in
So this is a nice way to support a young woman in the Scouts who has proven herself to be an ally many times over. It is also a chance to support LGBTQ youth and remind them that the Girl Scouts have had and will continue to have their backs.
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