File this under good news and great timing.
I decided to browse the PA Department of Treasury Unclaimed Property website. To my suprise, I found four items that belonged to me. So I filled out the form, had it notarized and sent it off to the State. And waited. And waited some more.
Three months later, today in fact, I found the check in my mail for the grand total of $1516.85.
Just in time to pay for my car inspection and catch up on things and invest in more AMPLIFY efforts. I’ve been feeling really down for awhile and struggling with anxiety which has definitely had an impact on my finances. So this is very welcome news to help me on multiple levels.
So I urge you to click over to the PA Treasury Website and check for yourself (and your loved ones.) The process isn’t fast, but it is fairly straightforward. You can claim items for deceased relatives if they are immediate family (parents, but not grandparents) and in some cases you will have to reopen an estate which has its own set of fees. So read the fine print. But you never know.
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