The Incline has an in-depth look at the contested race for City Council in District Four. You should really, really read it
Each time I hear/read Coghill say “Back to Basics” – I hear/read “Make America Great Again.”
Is it just me? Look at the key phrases in this quote. It is a bit eerie.
“I see our neighborhood through the lens of a contractor,” says Coghill, who owns his own roofing company. He estimates that he does around 60 to 70 percent of his business in the neighborhood, and the way he runs his business is one of the reasons he thinks he’ll win: “They look at that as, ‘That’s the way he’s gonna run City Council.’ And it’s true. That is the way I’m going to be at City Council. Same premise. Different business.”
The trash and graffiti would be addressed on day one, he promises. “This is really what you would not see,” he says.
“If my daughter wanted to move into Beechview, and I was riding on the T with her down Broadway Avenue and I saw that,” he says, referring to one of his photos of graffiti, “I would have second thoughts, I’ll tell ya, because I’d think, ‘Why is that? Does the current administration not see this?’ I don’t understand.”
If he starts yelling “Drain the gutters!” – someone needs to have a talk with Fontana, Fitzgerald and Lamb. And go make a donation to support Ashleigh Deemer.
PS – I do not live in District Four. I do live in the City so the election outcome impacts me. I also live in Senator Wayne Fontana’s office so technically, Coghill has worked for ME these past years.
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