Behind the scenes, this information is some of the most frequently sought from my blog this time of year. So I’m going to make it as accessible as possible.
There are two major two distributions that are open to the public.
Play It Forward will distribute gently used toys, books and similar items on Saturday December 12
Location: Century III Mall (near Mexican Restaurant) in West Mifflin (the entrance where Gimbels used to be) Here’s a great map for you to use.
Time: 9 AM – 3 PM. You can line up ahead of time, but must do so outside of the mall. Volunteers will distribute wrist bracelets starting at 7 AM. They will be open until 3 PM or the items are all distributed whichever comes first.
Eligibility: No proof of anything is needed. They operate on the honor system. Each family is invited to take up to 3 toys, 3 stuffed animals and 3 books per child.
Ages: birth through older teens (about 16)
Shopper are advised to please bring bags and boxes for their items.
Toys for Tots will distribute toys on Friday December 11 and Saturday December 12
Location: Guardian Storage in the Strip District. 2839 Liberty Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Time: 9 AM – 2 PM. You will be waiting outside so please for the weather.
Eligibility: This is from the Toys for Tots website.
1. Photo identification with address and name. If you do not have a photo identification, bring verification (i.e., Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, Passport, Green Card, etc.).
2. Verification of address (i.e., recent utility bill, mortgage statement, etc.)
3. Birth Certificate (or copy) for EACH CHILD you are requesting toys for.
4. Proof of need. At a minimum one of the following items: EBT card, Access Card, SNAP Card.
Ages: 0-12, but they will strive to provide an age appropriate item for youth ages 13-17.
If you have any questions you can email us at and please follow us on twitter for updates/news @pghToysforTots
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