
Pumpkin Pie, pi, George Takei

The prompt: Pumpkin or apple pie at Thanksgiving (or choose any fall holiday)? Do you have a family recipe? This reminds me of a story … early in our relationship, Ledcat was discussing her mother’s plans for Thanksgiving to which I and my parents were invited. I asked about the menu and she ran through it, […]


The Prompt:  Which is better to jump in: a leaf pile or a puddle? I’m not in the mood to answer this or even consider the distinction. Last night, I jumped up on a park bench with a megaphone and spoke to a crowd of 100 or so LGBTQ folks and allies who had turned […]

Malala Renders Jon Stewart Speechless (Me Too)

This sixteen year old young woman inspires me. I wish I had a quarter of her compassion and commitment to peace. The Daily Show Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook  

Rally Against Hate Violence Tonight in Pittsburgh

I’ll have a wrapup  tomorrow,  but if you can – please come out tonight to show your support for all victims of hate based crimes and violence. Stand together. Time:  6 PM Location: 51st Street at Butler Street, Lawrenceville Why:  Open-mic so anyone can talk about their experience and feelings. This is a peaceful gathering […]

Wordless Wednesday: Autumn In An Image


NaBloPoMo: The Sounds Of Leaves

The Prompt: Which sound is more satisfying for you: crunching leaves underfoot or bubble wrap popping? First, let me specify that neither of these sounds can be separated from the physical sensation of popping bubbles and/or crunching leaves underfoot. It is more than an auditory experience for sure. Leaves. My childhood neighborhood was filled with trees […]

Pgh Gay Men Assaulted in Alleged Gay Bashing Incident

Two local men, Ben Stoviak and his boyfriend Aaron , reported that they were physically assaulted by three unknown men around 2 AM Sunday morning. Stoviak posted this on his Facebook page: Last night, a group of men attacked me and my boyfriend on Butler Street in Lawrenceville. After yelling, from across the street, “Faggot!” […]

NaBloPoMo: Apples

The prompt: If you were an apple, which type of apple (Granny Smith, Gala, Red Delicious, etc) would you be and why? If I were going to stay on topic, I would have to look up all of the varieties to see which adjectives line up with my personality. And I don’t really want to do […]

“I hid all the Barilla noodles. ..you’re welcome gay friends.”

 Via @DavonMagwood on Instagram

NaBloPoMo: Sometimes You Fall and Don’t Want to Get Back Up

I just read yet another inspirational meme on Facebook … something about strength means never giving up. Bleeaahhh to that or pretty much any “never” talk. Sometimes when I’ve fallen, I do give up. It took me months to learn to ride a bike because falling *hurt* and I didn’t want to hurt. I gave […]