The prompt: Will you dress up for Halloween? What will you be?
Actually, I don’t have much to say about that question so I’m going to go rogue. To be fair, no I won’t wear a costume. I’ll wear my annual Halloween orange shirt when I hand out the candy. Woo hoo!

I bought this shirt on sale at Target in 2002. The caption is “Perfectly Wicked In Every Way” and its a hoot. I wear it 2 or 3 times and put it up each year. Amazing that a shirt can last that long and even the logo doesn’t peel or fade. This photo is from 2011 near our home. I was supposed to look scared when Ledcat took the phone of my peeking into a passageway but I couldn’t stop laughing.
Somehow, I feel this odd pride – like I created my own tradition even when I barely had two nickels to rub together to buy a holiday shirt of all things. But I suppose whatever price I paid 11 years ago has proven a wise investment.
I have had a few creative albeit non-traditional costumes. One year, I went dressed as a member of the Rick Santorum fan club. Another, I created “fairy dyke” costumes for Ledcat and I complete with pink tutus, tiaras and Doc Martens.
Costumes can be fun, but I think this year I’ll simply put on my shirt and feel dressed up enough to be included and thrifty enough to not have unreasonable expectations.
Awesome post. Really enjoy reading your blog! 🙂 Great shirt also!!