Peters Township Parent Objects to Sex Ed Curriculum As “Normalizing” LGBTQ People

I would expect sex ed curriculum for 5th graders to be a bit contentious (Masturbation! Birth Control!) but it is always disappointing when it veers into offensive directions. Peters Township has launched a sex ed program for fifth and six graders that riled up some parents.

Other parents took issue with the books’ acceptance of different sexual identities, including transgender and gay lifestyles.

“This is an all-out assault on traditional family values,” said parent Kathy LaBellarte, who said the “liberal” curriculum sponsored by organizations such as Planned Parenthood, “wants to indoctrinate our children into thinking that homosexuality and transgender is normal.”

I mean – sigh.

The curriculum wants to teach your children that sexuality is a normal part of being human and where to get the information they need. Parents who make public comments like ‘transgender is” not normal are precisely the reason why children need Facts. In. School.  Because their parents can teach their kids to be anti-LGBTQ, but the kids also need to learn how to live in a world that doesn’t embrace that point of view. And perhaps to gain the critical thinking tools to reconcile that tension in their own minds?

Kids in fifth grade are already exposed to sex, sexual violence, sexual assault, sexual curiosity, sexual questioning, sexual saturated marketing, sexual boundaries, sexual taboo, and sexual orientation. And parents are already offered an opportunity to remove their children from this particular curriculum should they choose. Why do they have to bash?

Peters Township School District
Peters Township School District




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