Monday, April 22 marks the 43rd official Earth Day in the United States. It is an important-to-me event because it brings back my very first “subversive” political action – posting Earth Day signs in 1990 (20th anniversary) when I was a college sophomore. We were ducking around Georgetown for hours committing acts of temporary vandalism.
But *it worked* – my consciousness was raised and has been in high alert ever-since. I launched a recycling campaign in my college dorm. I stopped eating at McDonalds for over a year to avoid styrofoam. And you are familiar with my more recent efforts around tote bags.
This year, I’m honoring Earth Day in several ways

Saturday – I volunteered to staff a “station” as part of a community clean-up in my Northside neighborhood. This is a no-brainer. I basically sit at a table and coordinate cleaner-uppers. Why? Well, we want a cleaner neighborhood and we live in a block that is often victimized by the Steeler Nation parkers (sorry, but true) and highway traffic from Route 65.
Monday, April 22 – 2 PM, “Day of Acton” to demand the PA DEP be accountable. North Shore.

Saturday, April 27, – Taking my unused medications to the bi-annual “Take Back” effort at my local police station. We have a few leftover pet meds, a bottle of OTC supplements & a few other script that weren’t completely used. This takes five minutes tops.
Sometime During the Week
- taking my plastic bottle caps to AVEDA for recycling
- deliver totes & reusable mugs to a local food pantry
- taking a box of old CD’s to Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse for upcycling
- purchasing a composting bin from Pennsylvania Resources Council
Click here for a list of Earth Day activities in and around Pittsburgh.
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