Smack Me …

A week ago, I smacked my head on the headboard and not in a good (or intentional) way … I was struggling to get comfortable b/c of an unrelated back injury (pulled a muscle – stellar week, eh?) and BAM! I didn’t pass out, but I made several mistakes.

First, I went to sleep. I should not have done that.

Second, I did not seek medical treatment. I have a thousand excuses, but that was foolish and selfish. I did go to MedExpress Monday (Christmas Eve) because I was worried about symptoms I was having – but they wanted me to go to the ER and I didn’t want to deal with that on Christmas so I just didn’t.

I was a fool. This morning, I had a raging headache so I called my PCP and the nurse send me directly to the Presby ER. I stopped to pack “things to do” in my bag in anticipation of a long day, but off we went.

I had a CT scan and fortunately everything is clear  – no sign of damage to my skull and no bleeding which are both very serious. But I have a very real concussion and have to go to the UPMC Concussion Clinic.

I also have to sign off in a few moments because I have to “rest my brain” for several days which means limited Internet, no tv, no movies, and not even reading. I can listen to music and listen to books on tape sort of thing. Otherwise, I am going to be bored out of my mind. I can’t drive until after I’m assessed at the clinic. Can’t go for a walk by myself.

I am sharing this because I won’t be around much even as we celebrate that “Seven Year Anniversary” of this blog. I also want to urge people to go to the ER when you have a head injury. It was very sobering today to realize that my decision not to “ruin Christmas” for my family could have led to a much worse thing being ruined – my health and well-being.

I also can’t wax poetic because I am going to follow orders. We have a new blogger joining the team next week – you might recognize her from her national advocacy. More on that in a few days …


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