From 365gay comes the tidbit that lawyers for Jennifer Harris, the former player suing Penn State coach Rene Portland for harassment and discrimination, have expanded the scope of the lawsuit. This move comes after Portland made public statements degrading Harris and dismissing her athletic accomplishments.
“We're not saying Rene does not have a right to defend herself. Of course she does,” said Harris' attorney, Karen Doering, of the National Center for Lesbian Rights. “But the law does not permit her to make defamatory statements, which is what she has done by claiming that Jennifer was unable to make contributions to the team.”
The Tribune Review reports that the NCLR has also filed a formal complaint with Penn State's Affirmative Action Office.
“Graham Spanier is the one who said, if she is found to have violated the discrimination policy again, and this is defamation as opposed to harassment, she would be in violation of the school's policy,” Doering said. “So, we will see if he does anything.”
Of course he won't do anything. He didn't really mean he would fire the winningest women's coach ever at PSU. He meant that he would slap her on the other wrist after checking to make sure she didn't violate the real discrimination policy (aka other minority protected classes).
If Portland were to be fired, she could probably have a nice second career as a housemother for the Duke Lacrosse team.