Proving once again that athletics trumps anything else in higher education, Penn State has issued a “letter of reprimand” to Rene Portland for her lesbian baiting ways. AND it will go in her permanent file … ooohhhhh.
This is so utterly pathetic … they acknowledge that Rene Portland harassed Jennifer Harris, but don't deem it serious enough to warrant any real action. Because Rene Portland is paid to win basketball games. Not to coach these young women. To win.
Any woman, particularly any gay woman, who gives one iota of support to Penn State should really take a step back and think about this past year. Beyond this whole lesbian bashing situation, Joe Paterno made frivolous demeaning comments about cute young girls seducing football players in reference to allegations of rape.
I would no sooner send my female child into that lion's den than I would enroll them at Liberty University. Women are not valued at Penn State. More precisely, the value of women is significantly less than the value of winning ball games.
I know it ain't gonna change. But do you want to financially support a university that has such little regard for women?
Let's hope the lawsuit generates more suitable consequences for this hate-mongering b*tch.