This commonwealth doesn't need to write bigotry into its constitution in the name of misplaced morality.
This morning the Post-Gazette editors condemn the bill introduced in the PA House of Representatives that would amend the constitution to “protect marriage.”
The PG notes that the amendment's impace reaches far beyond the queer community, threatening unmarried heterosexual families including adoptive parents and senior citizens.
They rightly criticize the homo-haters who have signed on to co-sponsor this piece of legislation:
The constitutional amendment is being offered as House Bill 2381 and, to their shame, 89 co-sponsors have signed on for a chance to do something negative at the expense of gay people, as always a safe group to pick on.
Shame is right! Every single one of these co-sponsors has taken time away from meeting their constituents real needs in order to propagate a hate-laced agenda. There's no justification for co-sponsoring this bill. Especially the Democrats! This is pure and simple pandering to the right wing base and it is going to come back to haunt them.
They give a shout out to our friend and champion Dan Frankel for using his time constructively to address family issues.
Two Pennsylvania residents weigh in on the the vicious discrimination underlying this legislation.