Casual Promises to Myself That I Am Under No Legal Obligation to Fufill 2018

I’m not setting New Years resolutions this year. I peaked in 2003 and figure why mess with a resolution that introduced me to Ledcat? Instead, I’m identifying some noncommital aspirations into the conversation. I’m not apathetic about trying to fulfill these, but I’m also not overly vested in the outcome. Either way, I still have […]

Bookending My Reproductive Justice With Margaret Atwood

In March 1994, I was rushed to the hospital and scheduled for surgery after months of excruciating uterine cramping. I underwent a laparoscopic procedure to remove endometrial growth from inside my abdominal cavity and also remove my appendix. I was hospitalized for three days, maybe four. I was a graduate student at LSU. I had […]