Stop holding out for a hero. Do the simple, but hard work.

Holding Out For a Hero

Please stop asking me to do these things this work. Send you a link to a specific post If we are talking about it and *I* say, ‘hey you should read this post’ then it is reasonable to ask me to send it to you. If we are talking about it and *you* say ‘hey, […]

So Tracking LGBTQ+ Executive Orders and Actions Matters Now

GLAD Law has published a summary of the anti-LGBTQ executive orders. I highly recommend you visit their site for solid information grounded in facts and common sense. They also tell what’s to be done about them. Below I list the framing GLAD uses for each Executive Order followed by the language the White House chose. […]

How a Community Pet Food Pantry in Pittsburgh Joined the Resistance

We don’t know what lies ahead. We won’t give you platitudes about resiliency or inner strength or toughness even though we think those are true. What we can give you is reassurance that you are not alone. The Dr. John P. Ruffing VMD Pet Food Pantry supports neighbors taking care of animals – community cats, […]

Social media is how I’m showing up this week

Someone asked me how I’m showing up to resist and defy the traumatic chaos seeping out of the White House. Fair question, my friend. So I’ve had pneumonia, still do. That’s dampened my capacity to engage in critical thinking activities, but I am on the mend. I’m trying to continue mending by not moving too […]

“Feeling overwhelmed is the point. When you recognize this, you regain some power.” Sociologist Jennifer Walter’s Advice, resistance

This quote has been moving around social media tonight, guidance from sociologist Jennifer Walter. It took me awhile to track down the source. This part really resonates with me: 3/ Remember: Feeling overwhelmed is the point. When you recognize this, you regain some power. Take breaks. Process. This is a marathon. Regain your power, my […]

What is Pennsylvania Media Saying About LGBTQ Issues Now

What is Pennsylvania Media Saying About LGBTQ Issues Now

What impact will the Presidential Executive Order on gender identity have on the chance of Pennsylvania passing statewide nondiscrimination protections via the Fairness Act? Here are some steps LGBTQ+ people can take to prepare for the Trump administration Will Pennsylvania Finally Ban ‘LGBTQ+ Panic’ Defense? Philadelphia advocate for trans community discusses Trump’s executive order on […]

There are 16 minutes left in this day

Today feels like an ending, the eve of the coronation of our new autocrat. Now I know this is something that has been happening since colonizing white Europeans arrived in the Americas. We’ve been on a journey through capitalism that has turned our lives upside down repeatedly, benefitting fewer and fewer people, hurting more and […]

Residents of Millvale Learn That They Have an Alleged Nazi For a Neighbor. Now What Will They Do?

Photo of Millvale

Content Note: white supremacy, fascism, Nazism, racism, homelessness, anti-Semitism. Some of the links go to more direct content. Please read and click with caution. If a Nazi lives in your neighborhood, would you want to know? We are loosely defining a Nazi as self-affiliated white supremacist whose actions promote fascism. If that person is actively […]

On This One Year Anniversary of Anti-Trans Messaging from Eight Pittsburgh Radio Stations

Eight radio station ads

A Troubling Anniversary for the Pittsburgh LGBTQ Community One year ago, I received my first tip about the transphobic ads running on local Pittsburgh radio stations. I spent a lot of hours trying to track down the ad, figure out the FCC information, and encouraging people to contact the stations. All in all, eight of […]

What We Know About the Resistance to University of Pittsburgh’s Anti-Trans Events

Reverse blog post structure. I am going to dive a little into why I think Pitt’s history makes their position on anti-trans speakers quite plausible. But first, let me simply start with listing the resistance efforts as I learn about them. Send me your events. Here’s the petition to sign. Here’s a little paper sign […]