Watch The Video Interview Where Burgh Vivant Magazine Asked Me if I Was a Lady or a Dame

The lovely folx at Autostraddle dug up archival footage I had almost forgotten. This is the semi-regular post where I ask you for money to support this work. But it’s more palatable with fun historical content especially a video where I describe myself as a dame of blogging. Blogs cost money. I don’t have a […]

Ashley, 18, is a Bisexual/Queer Woman Attending College in Allegheny County #AMPLIFY

Pittsburgh Bisexual Woman

I had developed personal relationships with everyone in my workplace. It hurt me to know that they liked me when I didn’t talk about being queer, but when I did, I was met with backlash or side comments. Name: Ashley Age:  18 County of Residence: Allegheny County. I have not lived in other regions of PA, but I […]

Ally, 20, Describes Her Fluid Sexual Orientation #AMPLIFY

Lawrence County

Name:  Ally Age: 20 County of Residence: Lawrence County. My parents house is in Lawrence county but I currently live in Allegheny for school with my girlfriend. Preferred Pronouns: She/her How do you describe your identity? That’s a good question. I do identify as a white female, but as for sexual orientation I don’t know. I don’t like to label […]