Peters Township Voted Racist School Board Director, William Merrell, Out of Office – What’s Next?

Peters Towsnship Non-Discrimination Ordinance

Soooo in a very snappy and necessary turn of events, racist School Board Director William Merrell got his comeuppance. First, the School Board censured him on Monday night. He owned up to the nasty racist tweets, but didn’t resign. He’s a jagoff. In its motion to censure, the board stated Mr. Merrell violated the district’s […]

Peters Township School Board Director’s Racist, Sexist Social Media Content Illustrates Need for Local Non-Discrimination Ordinance

William Merrell Peters Township

Content Note: racist slurs, sexism, lying white men (vile images below) Efforts are underway in Peters Township to introduce an ordinance establishing a local Human Relations Commission and to include sexual orientation and gender identity among the protected classes. The Township Council decided that there was not evidence of local discrimination and opted to table […]