Nothing changes on New Year’s Day

This is the first year in my life I didn’t feel melancholy about the changing of the calendar. It has nothing to do with the content of 2022 and everything to do with the context of my mental health journey. Sure, it is a good time to reflect and reconfigure your life. Or, not. As […]

30 Most Widely Read Blog Posts from 2021

Here is a list of the most widely read blog posts during 2021 84% of these posts are about the fatal campaign of terror targeting the trans community. One post is from the #AMPLIFY archive, the narrative of a local bisexual woman One post is actually the homepage for our ongoing Cat Food Drive projects. […]

Casual Promises to Myself That I Am Under No Legal Obligation to Fufill 2018

I’m not setting New Years resolutions this year. I peaked in 2003 and figure why mess with a resolution that introduced me to Ledcat? Instead, I’m identifying some noncommital aspirations into the conversation. I’m not apathetic about trying to fulfill these, but I’m also not overly vested in the outcome. Either way, I still have […]

My Favorite Holiday of the (New) Year

New Year's Pretzel, holidays

The Prompt: What is your very favorite holiday? Recount the specific memory or memories that have made that holiday special to you. When I was young, my grandparents would invite my family over to celebrate New Year’s Day. They would prepare a semi-ethnic feast: pork (and hot dogs) and sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, green peas (???) and […]