Today Marks My 17th Year on Facebook

I cannot remember why I joined Facebook. Curiosity, perhaps? Sometimes I try to recall different versions (remember walls?) and features (remember notes?) But I can’t recall fonts or tabs or any sort of organizing principle. I just remember the people and the moments. I’m not going to wax nostalgic about the site or the owners. […]

40 Days This Blog Illumined the Advent of the Holiday Season

Memories of Christmas and other holiday events are part of life’s sustenance, good and bad. They remind of what we’ve experienced and also teach us about who we are. Or perhaps who we aspire to be? Since 2005, I’ve written many blog posts about this holiday. Many describe events long before I was born but […]

Memories Muscles

holiday giving charity festivus

What are the three most memorable moments — good or bad, happy or sad — in your life? Go! This is a difficult question for me because my memories are often distorted. Bad memories tend to always trump good memories. The good ones are there, but I have to put a lot more effort into […]