Repent Amarillo Targeted Northside Church – Watch How They Respond #NSFW

Repent Amarillo

A week before Pittsburgh Pridefest, members of Repent Amarillo were spotted protesting outside of Community Presbyterian Church in the Central Northside neighborhood of Pittsburgh. I just found the 50 minute “street preach” video and it is both sad and amusing. It is also something people are going to underestimate.  This is #NSFW because of the […]

Monday is Bisexuality Visibility Day

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that there’s been a Bisexuality Awareness (or Bi Pride) Day since 1999. Then immediately chagrined that I hadn’t known that. You are likely familiar with the ongoing dialogue around identity and language – affectionately dubbed “the alphabet soup” debate. Is it LGBT, GLBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQI, etc? In the midst […]

Pgh Interfaith Prayer Vigil Set for SCOTUS Decisions on Marriage Equality

Rev. Janet McCune Edwards, PhD invites you to join her in a prayer vigil next week. Upon the Supreme Court Decision on Marriage (or Not)  Interfaith Prayer Vigil Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7 pm Sixth Presbyterian Church 1688 Murray Ave. in Squirrel Hill Unless an exception is made, the Supreme Court of the United States […]

“Sodom and Gomorrah in Your Face” and Other Stupid Things Haters Say

Letter To The Editor Pittsburgh

We love letters to the editor and Pittsburgh has been unusually prolific of late.   Over at the Post-Gazette website you’ll find this dialogue unfolding, replete with LOTS of comments. Daniel J. Robinson of West Deer goes to bat for the Bible trumping the Constitution. He also seems to have missed a year or so of […]

Tonight – Rev Janet Edwards Leads Interfaith Worship Service “Lifting Up Marriage Equality With Prayer

Tonight – Rev Janet Edwards Leads Interfaith Worship Service “Lifting Up Marriage Equality With Prayer

“I am certain one theme in the Monday night event will be that whatever the SCOTUS does will be only a point on the arc of justice and definitely not the end point.” Tonight, an Interfaith prayer service will take place at the First United Methodist Church, 7 PM. (Aiken and Centre in Shadyside.) Worship […]