Guest Post for International Lesbian Day: A Boomer’s Bar Life in Pittsburgh

I first met Sue B. a few years ago on social media. She and my wife had mutual friends so we began corresponding and dining out together back when we did those thing. I begged and pleaded with her to put her recollections of queer women’s history into writing. There’s very little first person documentarian […]

Happy International Lesbian Day 2020

International Lesbian Day

Apparently, this is a holiday centered in Australia and New Zealand. I’m always skeptical that these sorts of things are TERF Trojan Horses. It is admittedly weird for a lesbian blog to be skeptical of lesbians. But that’s the world we live in today. I won’t relinquish my identity to anyone, but I’m not arrogant […]

Celebrating International Lesbian Day 2019 with 64 Lesbians

Lesbian Day of Visibility

So, this is an unusual day of observance. I get a little skittish around the concept because I am suspicious that TERF’s are behind most contemporary “all things lesbian” these days.  There’s also a Lesbian Visibility Day, Don’t get me wrong – more visibility is a good thing, but it is a truth universally understood […]