When Housekeeping Services are Ableist and Traumatizing #MentalHealthAwareness

Mental health Awareness Month Anxiety

I’m continually amazed how using social media to find a housekeeping service ends up being an exercise in disrespect and dismissive futility. My most recent provider does not have staff who are vaccinated so we cannot work with them any longer. It was an amicable parting, but now I’m back in the jungle looking for […]

Five Ways We Practice Self-Care During This Pandemic

Or Day 173 Took Me To The Cleaners. You know it has been a beast of a year with very few bright spots. Our family still chooses to isolate as much as possible to minimize the impact of exposures we can’t avoid, like Laura’s work duties. Something has to give. We won’t go to a […]

FAQ: “What Do You Do When You Are Depressed?”

Depression Survival Tips

As I currently navigate my way through a bout of depression, I’m thinking about this question that I get all of the time – how do I manage my home life when I’m going through it? Welp, this post is going to focus on three Care Tips that I personally use to get through the […]