It is Hard to Get The Feeling and Sounds of Being Handcuffed Out of My Mind

Two pairs of handcuffs

35 days ago, I was handcuffed into a police cruiser under an invalid civil commitment warrant. I was only detained for four hours, but does that matter? Denying me my civil liberties – my actual liberty – for any period of time without just cause or due process is an affront to democracy. I am […]

It’s Been 36 Days And I’m Still Fighting Back

Pgh Lesbian Correspondents

Good morning, my friends and readers. First, I am still safe with friends. They are feeding a rotating array of vegetarian foods – soup, pasta, even a tofurkey dinner. I’ve only had meat 2 times. To be fair, it is easier to eat vegetarian when other people are preparing the food. But I feel physically […]

On Day 194, I’m Edgy

Content Note: sexual violence That’s an understatement. On Monday, I’m planning to use EMDR tools to begin working on some new information. The world is on fire, but I’m sticking with the plan. The new information isn’t actually new – I have attachment challenges, not the least was due to bonding with a substitute caretaker […]

Queering the PA Wilds, Day One

This is my travelogue, written to help me remember. You are welcome to read. We kicked off our tour of Northern Pennsylvania in Erie. We drove up in the afternoon, had dinner at a place called the Skunk & Goat, and then caught a lovely sunset over Lake Erie. We are staying at a little […]

Touching Base

Touching Base

I haven’t blogged much of late. Still in recovery mode, what I amusing refer to as #hysterecovery – well, amusing to me. My health is okay. I have one of two little possible sources of problems that I have to manage. I drove today for the first time, 1.6 miles to be exact. I couldn’t […]