Elliot is Bi, Trans and Wishes Westmoreland County Was Talking More About Queer Youth

Westmoreland transgender bisexual

Name: Elliot Age: 20 County of Residence: Westmoreland, attends college in Allegheny county Preferred Pronouns: he/him How do you describe your identity? I am a bisexual transgender male Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? Most of my friends had said in terms of their sexuality that they “always knew”, but for […]

Ade is Pansexual, Androgynous and Finds Comfort in Their UU Community #AMPLIFY

Monroeville queer

Name:  Ade Age: 32 County of Residence: Allegheny, formerly Westmoreland and Crawford Preferred Pronouns: I’m not picky, but I appreciate “they” or other neutral pronouns How do you describe your identity? pansexual, androgynous (non-binary and genderqueer also work), white, pagan, neuro-atypical Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I told a […]

Alec on Being Genderfluid: It’s Confusing Outside the Binary #AMPLIFY

Name: Alec Age: 25 County of Residence: Allegheny County, grew up in Jefferson County Preferred Pronouns: I’ve been defaulting to “she” and “her”, but “he” and “him” are usually ok too How do you describe your identity? I am a human being, who is attracted to other human beings. I identify as Genderfluid. Gender is a social construct and I don’t […]

Jeff Hopes LGBTQ Community Will Embrace Common Queer Identity #AMPLIFY

Gay Pittsburgh

Name: Jeff Age:  66 County of Residence:  Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: he, him, his How do you describe your identity? I am a gay man. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? It took me many years to come out. I was 49 when I finally was able to be honest […]

Jesse Talks About Living as a Trans Woman in A Culture of Fear

Transgender Pittsburgh

Name:  Jesse Oak Rise Age:  32 County of Residence:  Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: She / her How do you describe your identity? While physically I appear more masculine, spiritually I feel more feminine and doing what I can to make my physical self aligned with my spiritual self while trying to avoid (more) harassment, beatings, and the possibility […]

Jaime from the ReelQ Film Festival Says ‘Yep, I’m Gay!’ #AMPLIFY

ReelQ Film Festival

Name:  Jaime Age:  35 County of Residence:  Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: She/Her How do you describe your identity? I am a white, cisgender female lesbian. Some refer to me as a chapstick lesbian or a tomboy, but I’m just me. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I came out […]

Claudette is a Non-Binary Queer Who Wants Us To See Beyond the L and the G #AMPLIFY

queer Allegheny County

Name: Claudette Sheree Age: 22 County of Residence: Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: They/Them/Their How do you describe your identity? I identify as queer non-binary hard femme queen Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face?  coming out as a femme non-binary queer person in a very strict family in a very small town. […]

Anonymous Grieves How Pgh’s Lesbian & Gay Community Treats Bisexuals #AMPLIFY

Bisexual Pittsburgh

Name: Anonymous Age: 45 County of Residence: Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: She, her. (Non-traditional female) How do you describe your identity? Non-traditional female, bisexual, polyamorous. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I realized that I was bi at 42, after two hetero divorces. I think a big part of that was, when […]

Lyndsey Identifes as a Queer Genderfluid Lipstick Butch #AMPLIFY


This is the 50th AMPLIFY profile that we’ve published. Name: Lyndsey Age: 38 County of Residence: Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: She her hers, they them theirs, anything as long as it isn’t said in a manner of disrespect How do you describe your identity? Queer, Gender Fluid, lipstick butch. ** Please note I use Queer as an inclusive catch-all. This is […]

Alex is a Black Trans Man Who Will Not Apologize for His Existence #AMPLIFY

Gay Pittsburgh

Alex Smithson Alex is the closing keynote speaker for the Transpride Pittsburgh Conference 2015 this weekend. He’ll be addressing the conference Sunday afternoon from 4-5 PM in Lawrenceville. It is very powerful that this conference is opened by a trans woman of color (Ciora Thomas) and closed by by a trans man of color, both […]