Top Blog Posts from 2017

This annual roundup is always very sobering for me because most of the posts are typically my coverage of violence against LGBTQ people. I’ve written elsewhere about why this matters and I will continue to do my best to provide good information on these important stories. 15 posts out of the top 20 most read […]

Allegheny Health Network is the Donald Trump of Regional Health Care: A Saga

Dick Cheney Donald Trump

I’ve been a long-time patient of a UPMC primary care practice out of sheer practicality, but considered myself #TeamHighmark for political and personal reasons. We have Highmark health insurance through Ledcat’s employer which has caused numerous problems over the years over crap like UPMC levying a ‘facility fee’ because my PCP is housed in a […]

Here’s Five More Ways Jackie Evancho Can Support Trans Youth Right Now

Jackie Juliette Evancho

So this is where we are. Singer Jackie Evancho performed at the Inauguration of Donald Trump in spite of repeated warnings about the danger he posed to the transgender community, including mine. She did it anyway. This week, President Trump revoked Title IX guidelines that protected transgender children in schools from sex based discrimination. It […]

Top Ten Blog Posts of 2016

Dalia Sabae

As popular as they are, the #AMPLIFY posts don’t have the reach that my original blogging does which affirms my commitment to keep these stories intertwined with the rest of the posts. In between writing about the epidemics of violence, the harm of anti-poverty initiatives and some of my own personal experiences with negative factors, we all need the stories of lives lived in spite of those obstacles. I believe reading about the everyday experiences of LGBTQ people in their own words fleshes out the posts that I write about people who can no longer speak for themselves.

Dear Jackie Evancho. Just Say No.

Jackie Juliette Evancho

I read the news that Jackie Evancho is going to perform during the Inauguration of President-Elect Donald Trump. And my heart sank. As my readers probably know, her older sister Juliette is a young trans woman who has bravely stood up to hurtful anti-trans discriminatory policies in her school district and is working with Lambda Legal […]

An Open Letter to the Senator Heinz @HistoryCenter Regarding Donald Trump

Heinz History Center Trump

Dear History Center, Frankly, I’m disgusted that you took money from the Trump Campaign to host an event last night with Vice-Presidential candidate Mike Pence. Your institution is predicated upon the idea that we can learn from history. Trump’s campaign is predicated on the idea that facts, historical truths and alternative narratives are subject to […]

Trump Came To Pittsburgh: The One Must-See Photo

Trump Pittsburgh

Trump was in Pittsburgh for two campaign stops yesterday. He taped a segment for Fox and he held a rally at the Convention Center. Protestors took to the streets with witty signs, shirts and slogans. Trump promised to bring back the steel industry and resurrect Joe Paterno (??) neither of which seemed to perturb his […]