I recently learned that I am experiencing a trauma reaction, stemming from the complex trauma I experienced as a child and young adult. I knew the trauma happened, but I had a tendency to minimize it as something not as serious as depression or anxiety. The cumulative impact of the Grand Jury Repory on Sexual […]

My Latest #Hysterecovery Update

lesbian hysterectomy

I haven’t posted an update on this recently, so let me remedy that today. I had my surgery on January 10 so I recently passed the four month mark. In terms of the actual hysterectomy, I’m doing pretty good. No significant physical problems with the exception of having to pee a lot more often and […]

Reverse Seasonal Depression and Spring

Sue Kerr hysterectomy

It is early this year, but the absurd weather patterns incumbent with climate change are wreaking havoc on my health once again. I’ve blogged about this in the past: There is a thing called ‘Season Affective Disorder’ or SAD which ties depression to the lack of light and seasonal changes. It effects about 4-6% of […]

#Hysterecovery and Mental Health

lesbian hysterectomy

It is hard to ask for what you need when your requests are denied. I keep asking people to drop off Turners Iced Tea and coffee creamer, but no one has because they think I’m joking. So asking your surgeon to please call you on a Friday afternoon because you think something is wrong? Asking your boss for just a few more minutes on your break because your body feels like hell? Asking your insurance provider to reconsider your appeal about coverage? Asking your preschooler not to cuddle because your entire abdomen is inflamed? Asking your partner to please do this one more thing on top of everything else extra they are doing? 

The Season of Depression Has Sprung

I’ve been depressed. For months. Long months, wearing down my mind and my soul and my heart. Months where I continued to take my prescribed medication and see my therapist and do all of the things. Sometimes I show up to do public things, sometimes I do not. If you wonder where, I’ve been – […]

Anxiety Doesn’t Always Win

Anxiety Doesn’t Always Win

I am seated at a table, two magazines clutched in my hand. I put my bag next to my chair and carefully stack the magazines on the empty table. Deep breath. The aroma of coffee fills my senses. The space is pretty empty, so it would simple for me to approach the counter to order […]

This Is Spring Depression

Depression Anxiety

March has been a pretty good month in our household. The critters are all doing well in terms of their health and quality of life, something that we value with 3 very elderly animals. We’ve had some fun and exciting experiences socially. Both of our work lives have been fine. I heard that a grant […]

Five Thing Fridays: Inaugural Edition

I read a blog post today that explored the difference between depression and unhappiness. I tell you this because it is important to know that there are some things you can’t practice your way out of. Depression, which is mistakenly used as the antonym to happiness, cannot be cured with a gratitude journal. But it […]

Six Things You Can Do To Help a Friend With Depression Have a Better Day

Girl Scout Cookies

“But I don’t know what to say/do” is something I hear often when talking about mental health. “I thought it would be best to just let you work it out. You know I am here.” Well, that’s a bunch of hooey. Do you let your friends coping with the aftereffects of chemo tough it out until […]

Depressionista Fashion?

To no one’s shock, I’ll readily confess that I am battling a bout of depression. So a daily blog prompt question like ” Describe your favorite fashions from days of yore or current trends you think are stylin’” absolutely does nothing for me. Well, to be totally honest, it does momentarily give me a new lens […]