Why I’m Not Going to Cancel My Post-Gazette Subscription

The reasons to despise the Block family owners of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette are almost endless. From the Washington Post And yet the most toxic relationship in American media right now may be between Post-Gazette journalists and its publisher, whose family has owned the paper for nearly a century. That includes the ‘bad’ ones running media […]

Who Do Our Allies Really Welcome to the Table?

Tonight, I have no tact, I’m paranoid and I don’t understand how collaboration works. So the gatekeeper decides that I do not get access to my elected official unless I explain myself to him first. This is why I hate that so many elected officials have gmail accounts that are screened by staff anyway. What’s […]

Letter to the Editor: Chick-fil-A Is Where We Took Our Stand

Seriously, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I read this in the Post-Gazette letters to the editor: The people of this region spoke loud and clear of how they feel about gay marriage when we supported Chick-fil-A and stood in line for hours and wrapped around the building several times. The people […]

Sue to Guest on Mike Signorile Show Today (Monday)

If you have access to Sirius XM (and you can get trial access through the website) – I’ll be on the Michaelangelo Signorile show this afternoon at 4:30 PM. We’ll be discussing blogs, blocks, bans and Rick Santorum. See, it always comes back to him. Mike is also the editor-in-chief of HuffPost Gay Voices and […]