Five Pennsylvania Health Boards Jointly Condem the Use of Conversion Therapy on Minors

“We will not let hatred masquerade as medical treatment here in Pennsylvania.” Five Pennsylvania state health boards have released a joint statement opposing conversion therapy on minors. This has been resoundingly supported by the Pennsylvania Equality Caucus of the General Assembly. This coordinated effort acknowledges the dangers associated with conversion therapy but also sends an […]

Pennsylvania Governor Signs Executive Order to Protect LGBTQIA+ Pennsylvanians from Conversion Therapy

Governor Tom Wolf signed an executive order that provides some protections from conversion therapy. “Conversion therapy is a traumatic practice based on junk science that actively harms the people it supposedly seeks to treat,” said Gov. Wolf. “This discriminatory practice is widely rejected by medical and scientific professionals and has been proven to lead to […]

Rachael, 21, Describes Bisexual Life in Rural Western PA #AMPLIFY

Butler Erie County Bisexual

  Being out feels a lot like there’s a clearer, more accurate presentation of myself being shared with the world and that’s how I prefer it. Name:  Rachael Age: 21 County of Residence: Butler County, formerly Erie County Pronouns: She/Her How do you describe your identity? Bisexual Cis and Caucasian Please describe your coming out experience. Where did […]

Local LGBTQ Links We’ve Been Reading This Week – Dec 15

So what’s up with this new feature? Why am I publishing links? First, I used to do this back in the day – I wrote round-ups of LGBTQ links with ties to this region. It kept me informed on actual news and opinions. So I thought as I approach my 12th anniversary (December 30), it […]

PA State Senator Wants to Ban “Reparative Therapy” for Minors

PA State Senator Wants to Ban “Reparative Therapy” for Minors

This is welcome news. State Senator Anthony Williams plans to introduce legislation that will ban “conversion” or “reparative” therapy for minors. In 2009, the American Psychological Association’s Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation issued a report, concluding that sexual orientation change efforts can pose critical health risks to lesbian, gay, and bisexual […]