Disability Pride Month: Do You Know About 302’s?

A 302 in Pennsylvania is shorthand for an involuntary civil commitment. 302 is the section of the Pennsylvania code under Mental Health Law. This is a disability pride issue. Last year, LGBTQ activist and writer, Susan “Sue” Kerr suffered an inexcusable violation of her civil rights when multiple officials deliberately disregarded established ‘sprocesses meant to […]

The reasons my blog is not sustainable. Nor am I.

My blog is not sustainable People often point out to me that my blog model is not sustainable. They seem to think this is important information for me, something I don’t know. Mediasplaining, perhaps? Should sustainability aka financial self-sufficiency define the value of media? Or the folx creating the media? Should it define anyone? Does […]

Et tu, Hannah Gadsby? “Phone Free Experiences” and ADA Accommodations #MentalHealthAwareness

Mental health Awareness Month Anxiety

This won’t be the post you expect. Noted lesbian and creator Hannah Gadsby is coming to Pittsburgh this Thursday as part of her Body of Work tour. She’s performing at the noted Carnegie Music Hall in Oakland, part of the Carnegie Museums. A lovely venue. My first visit there was in the 1990s when I […]

City of Butler Considers Expanding Non-Discrimination Protections to LGBTQ Community

Butler County Queer

This is a very important blog post about a very important decision taking place just a wee bit north of Downtown Pgh. Butler City Council is considering creating a Human Relations Authority that would be responsible for ensuring resident of the City are protected in areas of employment, housing and public accommodation from discrimination based […]

First Ever Trans Specific Civil Rights Bills Introduced in PA General Assembly

PA Rep Mark Cohen

PA Representative Mark Cohen (D-Philadelphia) has introduced  the first ever transgender specific civil rights bills in Pennsylvania history. The Transgender Health Benefits Act HB304 is based on a piece of Philadelphia legislation  that allows for transition related healthcare for government workers, but the state bill covers public, as well as private and Medicaid plans. Despite this progress, […]

Peer Pressure Creates Important Conversation in the Queer Community

Pittsburgh LGBT

Can peer pressure be positive? Why or why not? Yes, being pressured toward healthy and positive behavior can be positive. Positive is offering encouragement when someone shares their fitness activities. Positive is not posting your own amazing story in the comments section as encouragement. Positive is a gentle nudge, a reminder, a supportive voice and […]

NAACP President Addresses Pgh Youth

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, I learned that staunch LGBTQ ally Benjamin Jealous was in town yesterday to speak with youth attending a matinee performance of “Thurgood” – a one man show about the civil rights icon, Thurgood Marshall. And I was pleased that Jealous specifically referenced LGBTQ rights. Citing issues such as gay rights and […]

Pgh Public Radio News Show Talks Marriage Equality With Tony Norman

I’m still puzzled by the lack of local LGBT voices in the media coverage. Clearly, that’s an issue we need to address as a community. But I was quite intrigued to learn that a man I greatly admire, Tony Norman, would be appearing on today’s Essential Pittsburgh to discuss the President’s statement on marriage equality. […]