Watch The Video Interview Where Burgh Vivant Magazine Asked Me if I Was a Lady or a Dame

The lovely folx at Autostraddle dug up archival footage I had almost forgotten. This is the semi-regular post where I ask you for money to support this work. But it’s more palatable with fun historical content especially a video where I describe myself as a dame of blogging. Blogs cost money. I don’t have a […]

Brian, 35, ‘It’s okay to be whatever you want’ #AMPLIFY

As part of our role as the Official Social Media Sponsor of the ReelQ LGBTQ Film Festival, we are featuring a few Q&A’s with those involved. Today, we are delighted to share the AMPLIFY contribution from Brian who is hosting a fundraiser for the organization on Saturday evening. Be sure to check out Brian’s cultural […]

Indecent Divas Cabaret Delivers Fun, Sexy Romp

Off The Wall Theater in Carnegie often hosts unique productions that are a bit edgy while still entertaining and accessible. Their current production is an incarnation of “Indecent Divas” – a bawdy, saucy cabaret style show with local artists Anna Elder and Rebecca Covert. Running through Sunday, the show explores sexuality and relationships through contemporary […]