Kick the Can: The Loneliness of Generation X Childhood

Generation X childhood

I enjoy the Generation X content across most platforms. It is funny, insightful, and nuanced. I was born in October 1970, so I am right in that solid Gen X era. The 70s were my childhood, the 80s my adolescence. Yes, I often drank water from a hose. Yes, my brother and I were left […]

LGBTQ&A: Mombian Blogger Dana Rudolph Creates a Space for Queer and Trans Families

“I launched the Mombian Database of LGBTQ Family Books in early 2021 to help people find the books they are seeking in this rapidly-growing genre. The database includes reviews of LGBTQ-inclusive books for ages 0-12 and books for grown-ups about LGBTQ parenting. (I don’t review young adult books or I’d never sleep; also, my audience […]

Day 177: Not Much To Say, I Guess

There’s certainly a lot going on, things to discuss and unpack. But I’m struggling to condense information into any semblance of a blog post. We took the evening off from the news to go pick up a leather elephant for our youngest nibling. Then we curled up in bed while foster cat Spencer had his […]

How To Be Smarter, Not Just Sound Smarter

I’ve always been a smarty pants, especially when it comes to vocabulary. My parents had me reading at an early age and I absorbed words from well-written books like a sponge. I’ve often been accused of affecting airs because I use a lot of “big words” in my day-to-day communication. One time, a supervisor added […]

Book Drive at Perry Traditional Academy Because #WeNeedDiverseBooks

Perry Traditional Academy

  Perry Traditional Academy is the only high school on the North Side of Pittsburgh. The library staff and community supporters have set up a book drive through Amazon to bolster the school library. As I live on the North Side, it caught my attention so I interviewed Sheila, one of the librarians. I encourage […]

Now I’m Just Somebody Who Used To Read Books

What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without reading a book (since learning how to read, of course)? Which book was it that helped break the dry spell? It probably won’t shock you that I grew up as a big reader. My Dad was a book reader and my mother read 3 newspapers every day as well […]

Blogging Brings Stuff

How has blogging changed your life? Tell us one thing that is different now than from before you started blogging. I have stuck with blogging longer than I have done almost anything else in my life – longer than any one job, longer than all relationships with the exception of Ledcat, longer than any project […]

Do More Of These Things in 2014

Dog Coat

The Prompt: What Do You Want To Do More of in 2014? This is a companion post to yesterday’s prompt. First, I want to walk more and use more public transportation. The T stop is less than a mile from my front door so there’s no real reason I shouldn’t be using it to go Downtown. […]