Peer Pressure Creates Important Conversation in the Queer Community

Pittsburgh LGBT

Can peer pressure be positive? Why or why not? Yes, being pressured toward healthy and positive behavior can be positive. Positive is offering encouragement when someone shares their fitness activities. Positive is not posting your own amazing story in the comments section as encouragement. Positive is a gentle nudge, a reminder, a supportive voice and […]

If I Were a Mystical Being …

You have been transformed into a mystical being who has the ability to do magic. Describe your new abilities in detail. How will you use your new skills? Oh, this is an easy one. I would use my power like any sensible person – to do the housework and other chores.   OK, seriously, (I […]

Letters to the Editor on LGBTQ Equality

Letter To The Editor Pittsburgh

As disappointed as I am with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s disjointed coverage of LGBTQ issues, I have to applaud the readers who submit letters to the editor with gusto and flourish. Four days ago, Jonathan Dohanich of Monaca wrote to oppose marriage equality  on the grounds of procreation, his distorted understanding of legal protections accessible by […]

UPDATED: Ani DiFranco Guest Starring on Duck Dynasty

You either laugh, smirk or roll your eyes, but it could happen. After all, a month ago, did you think one of the most beloved icons of feminist queer music folklore would organize a (really expensive) retreat on a plantation? Yes, a plantation as in Antebellum Louisiana South. I learned about this earlier in the […]


Humility CS Lewis

The Prompt: C.S. Lewis said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” How good are you of placing others before yourself? I don’t think C.S. Lewis would want us to consider ourselves “good” at this – I suspect that defeats the purpose because we are fighting with our own nature […]

Nellie McKay: “At Home I’m a Dyke – In Public I’m Flaming”

Nellie McKay

Nellie McKay. It is a bit of a challenge to find a way to describe her using just words. Even her music – it is the performances (I’ve only seen her in video) that have a life of their own, more than the music but completely embedded in the music. So I’m thrilled to have […]

Can Lesbians Disappear At Will?

Daily Prompt: Now You See Me You have a secret superpower: the ability to appear and disappear at will. When and where will you use this new superpower? Tell us a story. I’m stumped. Thinking of a scenario where the unexpected appearance of a middle-aged white lesbian who can barely use a pen doesn’t exactly […]

WTF, indeed

In the wake of Sue’s post about “Mike and Molly,” I have been trying to write something nuanced and thoughtful about another negative depiction of transgender people, and I am failing miserably. I am failing because the bile just keeps coming up in my throat and I keep getting angry. Here’s what happened: I am […]

City Councilman Burgess Doesn’t Seem To Think LGBTQ Identity Reflects Diversity

City Councilman Ricky Burgess believes – nay, insists – that the next President of City Council be a person of color. And he’s willing to step up to the challenge.  Burgess notably the only member of that body who refuses to sign the Pridefest Proclamation because Pride is too “sexualized” has also historically  ignored the […]

Sometimes, You Holiday In a Restaurant

Sometimes we celebrated Thanksgiving at home – just me, little brother and my parents. My Mum is not a great cook, but she pulled this meal off pretty well. Sometimes, we went to my aunt’s house a few miles away. That was more “special” but also strange because there were so many people and different […]