New Episode GAY USA: TV’s Weekly LGBT News Hour November 1, 2023

Gay USA logo

One of our favorites is this weekly LGBTQ news show, GAY USA. We are going to begin embedding each episode as part of our commitment to share LGBTQ media content.

On This One Year Anniversary of Anti-Trans Messaging from Eight Pittsburgh Radio Stations

Eight radio station ads

A Troubling Anniversary for the Pittsburgh LGBTQ Community One year ago, I received my first tip about the transphobic ads running on local Pittsburgh radio stations. I spent a lot of hours trying to track down the ad, figure out the FCC information, and encouraging people to contact the stations. All in all, eight of […]

Q&A With Natalie Duleba on Resistance, Resilience, and the Real People of the Post-Gazette Strike

One year strike rally Pittsburgh News Guild

[One year of a strike means] that striking workers have seen every season of greed and selfishness the Blocks have. It means that striking Pittsburghers aren’t afraid of a long fight if it’s fighting for what’s right. Today marks a solemn day in Pittsburgh labor, social justice, and general histories – the one year anniversary […]

Local and National News Intersections in LGBTQ Media


Yesterday, someone asked me to compare my ‘national’ content to my ‘local’ blog content. I was a bit flummoxed because it rarely seems to be so neatly parsed. My life and the lives of all LGBTQIA+ folx in this region are regularly defined by the collision of the local with the national. Our lives are […]

Do I want to belong to any club that would have me as a member?

“He naturally despised the Club that did take him. The members were a poor lot, many of them in the City - stockbrokers, solicitors, auctioneers - what not! Like most men of strong character but not too much originality, old Jolyon set small store by the class to which he belonged.” John Galsworthy’s The Forsyte Saga I wasted about […]

Drifting Away from MSNBC as Programs Lose Diverse Voices

Black Women Voices Media

When we first brought cable into our home about a decade ago, we immediately began watching ‘The Rachel Maddow Show’ with religious fervor. Representative lesbian in media? Yes! Rachel introduced us to other programming, including the eye-opening representative weekend programming helmed by many people of color. Most notable was Melissa Harris-Perry morning slots on Saturday […]

Sue Kerr Named One of 15 ‘Lesbian Icons’ By LGBTQNation

When I was a young child, I remember riding with my grandmother in their car and asking her to identify her favorite part of her life. This was in the mid-1970’s. She didn’t miss a beat when she said “In my 50s.” I did the math and realized that was pre-me. She confirmed and said […]

How I Have Replaced the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in My Daily News Sources

I really miss this paper, but not in its current unreliable format written by people who have no regard for their (former) coworkers and accept bribery salaries to sell everyone out. That’s not journalism. It is greed and absolutely unreliable as a source of fairness or balance. Here are the sources I use each day […]

100+ LGBTQ Organizations and Leaders Call on New York Times to do Better by Transgender Community

Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents and Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities both signed this letter. You can, too. Last night, my mother-in-law told my wife that girls dressed as cats requested litter boxes in their classroom. She’s a progressive person so were both appalled. My wife stopped her cold and explained how that myth is a lie and […]

Guest Post: Why December 10 is Sue Kerr Day in the City of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh City Council Sue Kerr Day

Guest blog post by Anne E. Lynch, Executive Director, Three Rivers Community Foundation, and board member of Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities Recently, I was asked to weigh in on a very special document – a proclamation to make a Sue Kerr Day in Pittsburgh.  It was to be a surprise, but some of us argued against […]