Letter to the Editor: Chick-fil-A Is Where We Took Our Stand


Seriously, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I read this in the Post-Gazette letters to the editor:

The people of this region spoke loud and clear of how they feel about gay marriage when we supported Chick-fil-A and stood in line for hours and wrapped around the building several times. The people have spoken.

Barbara Mazzella of Jefferson Hills is referring to the fact that elected officials like State Attorney General Kathleen Kane are making decisions based on the perceived unconstitutionality of the state Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)

Barbara decries that lack of accountability to the rule of law by Kane and others and that’s a fair point. But then she – without any real irony that I can see – goes on to say that standing in line at a fast food restaurant is indicative of something political. Not standing in line at the voting booth because of confusion over Voter ID laws. But to buy a chicken sandwich – with a pickle.

Actually, she does sort of hit the nail – we are a land ruled by both big business and people behaving irrationally. Or as she puts it:

More often I realize that we no longer have a democracy but a nation governed by who yells and stomps their feet the most.

Thanks for the chuckle, Barbara. I appreciate you taking the time to write in and hope it inspires other more rational and coherent folks to do the same.


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