Is My 1991 Internship With Rick Santorum No Longer The Most Quirky, Interesting Thing About Me?

Today, I met an LGBTQ person from Pennsylvania who did not recognize the name Rick Santorum.


This was in the context of an interview with the Philly Gay News about my blogging.

It was bound to happen eventually. He left public office in 2006, defeated by current Senator Bob Casey. He has a lackluster pundit relationship with CNN, ending with his racist comments. Consulting? Of course. He writes a column. And he is poking his head out as a sort of ‘patron saint’ for the 2024 Presidential Election.

Huh, again. Patron saints usually advocate for something like finding lost things or animals or housework. I’m trying to wrap my mind around the guy who lost his Senate Seat 18 years ago, then ran two failed campaigns for the Presidency as a patron for electoral success. FWIW, Saint Thomas More is the Patron of Statesmen and Politicians. Thomas Moore was decapitated for treason, so also an interesting choice.

But Santorum’s public era seems to be over. At least with younger voters. I dragged out my Rick Santorum internship story, but no response. My jaw actually dropped. Then I asked my 16-year-old nephew who also had zero clue.

Mind you, Santorum could be amassing Christo-fascist power and influence behind the scenes.

Gen Z isn’t phased. And while that is important, it is also critical that young voters pay close attention to history.

Santorum paved the way for Trumpism and the rising fascism in the Republican party. He did terrible things and won’t find redemption in any Catholic church.

He won’t find relevancy among Gen Y and the Alpha Generation. That is a comfort. He clearly doesn’t think highly of the values off these voters (and future voters) as he revealed on Newsmax

His Congressional seat is now held by a progressive Black woman, Summer Lee.

He’s not podcasting or TikToking to any significant degree. He is using Twitter (X) quite a bit and that’s not going to resonate.

He’s only worth $3 million. That’s not a lot for a former Senator with a law degree. I wouldn’t count him out just yet, but it is interesting that younger generations don’t count him at all.

As for me, I’m going to need another internship.

Rick Santorum internship
My official internship photo from 1991, Capitol Hill.


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