#ProtectTransKids Expands From Yard Signs to Stickers

Gestures like putting up lawn signs and window signs in businesses (especially when it’s not pride month) actually do make a difference and provide real relief in this moment when trans people are the political scapegoat for everything. Seeing that support means a lot, helps us breathe.

We hear you folx. You asked repeatedly for stickers and decals, along with shirts, keychains. and hoodies.

So we are producing our first expansion product – a sticker. It looks exactly like the yard sign. It is printed by the same company, Commonwealth Press. And it is hopefully coming soon to all of you. The sticker will be 5×3.

The plan is to distribute stickers to local schools, colleges, and universities along with sharing them with folx who cannot put up a yard sign. We hope to have them printed and begin distribution before back-to-school begins in earnest, but that depends upon finding enough donors to produce the first run of 5000.

We need to raise $1300 to do that.

There will be no charge for a sticker, but we will ask for a donation of $1 to cover printing and postage to mail them. That will help us keep the supply replenished.

You can also sponsor stickers for one school building by donating $10 – Pittsburgh Public Schools has 50 schools so we’ll need 500 just for those schools. We’ll also want to get into district like Hempfield in Westmoreland that are considering anti-trans district policies.

But it is not just schools and students. Adding a sticker to your laptop or your water bottle. Putting one in the window of your apartment or home. Adding a sticker to the register or counter where you work. Hopefully, every coffeehouse in town will have them up along with the ice cream parlors and bookstores.

You can help us raise the initial $1300 so we can get these out soon.

Who knows 13 businesses that might chip in $100 each?

Donations can be made via

And you can request a sticker or sign or both bit.ly/ProtectsTransKidsSigns


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