Congratulations Admiral Levine. And thank you for your service

From the NYT and BBC

Dr Rachel Levine, the US assistant secretary for health, has been sworn in as the first transgender four-star officer in the country’s history.

The 63-year-old is now an admiral of the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.

Dr Levine, appointed by President Joe Biden, is already the highest-ranking openly transgender official in the US.

Admiral Levine is the first female four-star admiral in the history of the corps, a uniformed service of more than 6,000 health, science and engineering professionals who work in federal agencies and on the front lines of health crises and natural disasters. She is also the first openly transgender person to become a four-star officer in any of the nation’s eight uniformed services.

She’s the first female and the first out transgender person. First female is left out of a lot of coverage, but it matters.

I had not really heard much about this commissioned corp, but wow – reading up on it’s important work. Do it, I highly suggest.

It is so lovely and hopeful to share any positive news, particularly tied so deeply to Pennsylvania. I’ve written many posts about Dr. Levine, including calling out the bigotry and bias hurled her way. She certainly has taken the high road and that’s to the benefit of all of us.

I also urge you to read this post in particular: Pennsylvania’s Transgender Community Responds to Dr. Rachel Levine’s Pick for the Biden Administration

Congratulations Admiral Levine. And thank you for your service.


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