TONIGHT: Weekly MasQueerade Virtual Meetup to Focus on 3 Western PA Transgender Victims of Fatal Violence

Each Saturday night, the Pittsburgh MasQue ProjecT brings you a virtual meetup to offer some respite from the isolation of COVID-19 in a fun, casual atmostphere. You can find out more at the project Facebook page.

Tonight’s edition will be specifically focused on discussing and processing the horrible murders of three trans BIPOC in rural Western Pennsylvania this past week. We will have a therapist from Allies for Health + Wellbeing joining us and open the floor to just discuss whatever moves us. We’ll learn more about their lives and talk about the unique experiences trans neighbors, especially BIPOC, have in rural Western Pennsylvania.

You can find more at the Facebook event. If you need access without going through Facebook, please message me on Twitter, Insta or via email

8 PM


All welcome.

Hosted by Alistair McQueen

Transgender Lives western pennsylvania


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