Dear David. September 5, 2020

I haven’t written in awhile. As you know, my sweet little dog Ana died suddenly ten days ago. I’m still struggling with this loss. Please forgive my distance.

So Wendy Bell got herself silenced on KDKA AM and very likely got herself a national slot somewhere in white supremacy conservative realms. You’ve done important work fact checking her, work that will grow rare as we lose local media outlets.

I choose to believe that the facts matter, that people will take note and learn. You are very good at fact-checking. I wish very much someone would fund you to do that work full-time.

We are watching a documentary this weekend about Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the Farmworkers of America. It’s on PBS, 90 minutes long. I’m making a real effort year round to look for documentaries and storytelling centered in the voices of the ‘holiday’ rather than just the cis white gaze.

I guess these two themes tie together because you use your cis white gaze to document stories other white men might disregard. And I know you have radical beliefs that women make history, too. Example, Wendy Bell, right?

That’s a constructive note to end this note!

Yours in friendship,



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