Phat Man Dee “I remember the Holocaust so that I can see it happening to other people and speak against it.”

A guest blog post from Phat Man Dee on this International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2020


As a child it never occurred to me that people would not remember the Holocaust. After all, who could forget something that stole so many branches of my family tree? It was this deep understanding of horror in my soul that people could and would murder so many, out of an antiquated racial and religious hatred, that made me the activist I am today.

I remember the Holocaust not so that I can dwell in the memories that people will kill me and my family with cold precision and determination. I remember the Holocaust so that I can see it happening to other people and speak against it. We have leadership that is causing great pain to immigrants right now, human rights abuses abound as we speak, in cages on our Southern border, to indigenous people who have always lived here, and to the modern descendants of the enslaved people stolen from their homes to build this nation. This administration is entrenched in modern white supremacy and white nationalism.

Please do your part and while you remember the Holocaust today, recognize it’s continuing effects in our lives right now and tomorrow. Check your voter registration, make sure everyone in your family and your friends are registered, and prepare to fight for the lives of both ourselves and those who don’t have a means to protest their abuses at the hands of our racist and evil administration. We must organize, and we must resist.


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