Funny Man

New York based comedian Victor Varnado is hysterical.  Check out this Village Voice article to see for yourselves.  He occasionally rolls into town courtesy of local comedian Gab Bonesso


Disclosure and update:  Ledcat told me I wasn't being completely honest about this post.  We saw Victor a few weeks ago when he came to town for the anniversary tour we had caught the year before.  I introduced myself to him.  He gave me the limp, damp handshake and barely mouthed “nice to meet you” before sighing deeply and turning away to talk with his friends.  I was pissed.  Ledcat was more compassionate and assumed that he has an on-stage and off-stage switch.  I still say if someone shows up to see you perform, pays for it and learns that because of a screw-up on your end they have to wait an entire hour … you could at least PRETEND to interact with them.  Acting.  Its called acting.  I fake being interested in people all the time.  At work.  At family gatherings.  Its called acting. 

Thus, Victor is funny but not very well-mannered.  It does matter.



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