Accolades and Anniversaries

Well, well, well.  It has been quite a week for us here at Lesbian Central as we get ready to celebrate our 4th anniversary on Tuesday.

First, the always surprising Mr. Potter singled out our blog and Maria of 2 Political Junkies for “shout outs” of sorts in his Christmas Eve summary of gifts he's received from Pittsburgh's bloggers.  So much for my ongoing labeling him as a typical middle aged heterosexual male MSM type, huh?

Personal thanks go out to Sue Kerr, of the ever-instructive Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents blog, for introducing me to Daylin Leach's Twitter account. Leach is a state Rep from out east, and while I've written about him before, I'd never have bothered to check out his tweets otherwise. Which would have been a big loss, because these are great.

“Ever-instrucive” from Chris Potter is like Clarice telling me I'm cute.  Plus, he's paying attention to my attempts to get folks to follow my Twitter list of PA and Pgh politicians

(PS. Leach is a Senator, not a Rep but I think Potter throws us a few blogging bones once in awhile so he can keep his alternative street cred)

Granted, I'm not the biggest fan of Senator Leach, but I willingly admit that his usage of Twitter is both impressive and fearsome. I predict he'll win me over with his winsome tweets and wry manipulation of 140 characters.  Social media is the way to my heart.

If that wasn't the most awesome anniversary present of all, today I made the Cutting Edge section of the Post-Gazette.  Of course, it is about domestic violence because the female bloggers are burning up the blogosphere on the topic of girlfriend-battering Eugene Hlavac. Calling him a thug was the most printable thing I had to say about him.  Until the FOP resinstates him.  Then … I might end up with one of those $10,000 free speech settlements.  LOL.

Anyway, happy early anniversary to us!  We have some guest posts coming up this week so stay tuned for good stuff.



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