I love The Big Bang Theory

I love the weirdest shows.  My newest fav is CBS's “The Big Bang Theory” starring that cute little dude from Roseanne (another fabu show).  It is a classic setup — two nerdy guys and the hottie definitely unnerdy chic living next door.  I expected little, but was mightily surprised at how freakin' awesome is the show. 

Awesome, how?  Well, there's the lesbian connection.  Sara Gilbert, also of Roseanne and little sis of Melissa Gilbert, has a recurring role.  Sara is a lesbian and she's really, really cute.  Especially as a physics researcher wielding a violin.  So that's a huge plus. 

What's most engaging is the witty dialogue which reminds me of SportsNight.  The writers make high falutin' science-speak … funny.  And not funny in a Revenge of the Nerds kind of way.  Funny in an endearing, wry sort of way. 

Here's my best example.  The guys invite Penny over to watch their Superman marathon.  She innocently said she didn't realize there was more than one Superman movie which makes them cringe.  She asks why they like it so much.  Sheldon pushes his way to the front and says “You have to suspend your disbelief …”  She interrupts “Because a man can't fly.”  He looks disdainfully at her and proceeds to explain the suspension of disbelief required by the scene where Superman catches Lois Lane falling from the sky … because the laws of physics would dictate that a woman falling at that rate of speed into arms of steel would be cut to ribbons. 

Does that translate in blogspeak?  It is really a funny show.  Mondays at 8:30 on CBS. 

The lesbians say just do it.


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