What do Potter, Lynn Cullen and Cambodican Kitchen have in common? That would be me ….

Hey.  I'm in the City Paper this week.  I wrote them a brief letter to the editor about their story on a local transwoman.  They printed it. 

On another note, the non-discrimination dinner at Cambodican Kitchen was good fun.  I met a few new ladies and learned a lot of new stuff about some old friends.  The food was delish as always.  Dan worked really hard to keep everyone well fed and beveraged.  We are going to do it again on Saturday, November 17, 2007.  Location to be determined.  Let me know if you want to be part of the guest list.  Or if you have a great location.

I'll be on Lynn Cullen's show tomorrow during the 11 AM hour to talk about The Pittsburgh Women's Blogging Society.  Tune in.  Call in with insightful questions.




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