
This week, my wife officially returned to her offices. She had been working from our kitchen table since March 18, 2020 with some occasional trips to her workspace.

I hate it. I’m glad she’s working, obviously. Also glad it’s safe enough to return. And I should be glad I can watch streaming things without headphones or having to go upstairs during her work meetings.

But I miss her. The house is super quiet. I am not motivated to go places just yet.

There are so many unknowns. Booster or not? Masks during flu season or not? Variant strains or not? Filibuster or not? Remember this is a novel virus (and pandemic) or not? Keep HBO Max or not?

This post is more of a meander than pointed. I’m sitting in an empty lot trying to trap a pregnant tabby. She was heading for a trap when some dolt set off fireworks a few streets away.

I really need to get her very soon because the house where some of the cats hang was scheduled for demolition mid-month. PLI doesn’t evacuate animals so it will be up to me and neighbors to chase them out. We can’t chase kittens.

The City took down their demolition schedule so now I can’t be sure it’s happening. I keep asking 311 with no luck. If I knew with certainty it wasn’t going to happen, I wouldn’t be so stressed about trapping her at all costs (like getting soaked in thunderstorm last night) because I know worst case scenario is she’ll bring her babies to feeding station. Eventually. Not ideal, but better than demolition.

Well, the nightly buzzing motorbikes have started inflicting audio terror on the neighborhood so I’ll sign off now.


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