Update on #ManchesterCatTrap – We Need Just $861 to TNR 50 cats here on the Northside

We are getting down to the wire.

How to donate
GoFundMe https://gofund.me/02eac7b7
Venmo @pghlesbian
CashApp @pghlesbian

The basic TNVR package is $70. As of today, we have enough to TNVR 39.57 cats. We need $61 to cover 40 cats — JUST $61!! – and $761 to reach 50. THEN we can pay for supplies and expenses. 

Another way to look at it is that investing in this project not only helps the cats, but helps a small woman-owned local business (Fix’n Wag’n) that employs multiple folks.

If we don’t hit these targets soon, we’ll have to scale back so we can make sure the expenses are covered. TNVRing 40 cats is a great thing, but knowing that missed opportunity to do 50 is just hard to live with. That’s 60 kittens who wil lbe born into a world that doesn’t value them. And a lot more kittens who won’t get access to resources and supports.

Is there anything I can say to get you to chip in $10 right now?



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