From Phat Mandee …
Hey friends, I made this song because my friend Sue Kerr told me about the work being done to connect our local trans community and general queer community with masks. I have been blessed with the presence of trans people in my life for a very long time, even before that was the name we had as a descriptor for this beautiful and incredibly diverse group of people. Lovers, co performers, friends, family, there are trans people in every aspect of my life. Without them the world would be a much poorer and sad place. It is imperative that we protect the most vulnerable among of us. I was honored to be included in this project as a musical supporter and I feel extremely blessed to have been called in service in a way I can participate. I love my lbgTqia community and I will do any and everything in my power to protect them.
Ooooohhhh (4 bars)
(4 bars)
Crazy out there
Sickness in the air
We don’t understand it all
(4 bars)
Don’t be surprised
What you see in my eyes
It’s a prayer that you’ll never fall
Minor section
(4 bars)
You are beautiful
And you’re the only one
Who can sing your song just the right way
(4 bars)
And I miss you so
I hope you truly know
Your trans light keeps the darkness at bay
(4 bars)
When I mask my face
I am showing my soul to you
(4 bars)
I hope you see a trace
Of all the love for you that’s true
Major section
(4 bars)
You are worth more than money
You are worth more than gold
No piece of you could ever be bought or sold
(4 bars)
Beautiful trans lives we love you
Even while masked
we see who you are
(4 bars)
We cherish you
We celebrate the you
You are a bright shining star!
Minor section
(4 bars)
Behind each and every mask
Are stories to be told
(4 bars)
We’ll never get to hear them
If you don’t live to grow old
(4 bars)
Masque up today
Show us how you slay
Be a superhero in all the lands
(4 bars)
Don’t touch yer face
Clean aht yer space
I hope yinz know you gotta worsh both yer hands
(24 Bars)
Ladies, gentlemen, everybody in between, on beyond, non and dual binary, what yinz gotta know is that we still ain’t got no vaccine for this. The Rona still aht here tryna kill you. When I put on this mask, I ain’t protecting myself, I am protecting yinz. Sneezes from my face could kill you and I may not even know I’m sick.
Hey kids, listen ahp. We’re telling yinz to wear a mask not because we like to tell yinz what to do but because we want yinz to survive, when you wear a mask yer telling yer friends you care about them, when they wear a mask they’re telling you they care about you, see what I mean, I don’t want you to stroke act at 25, I want yinz to grow in to adulthood, then old age hood, so we can all save the planet together cuz yer beautiful. Ain’t nobody who can do like you. You can’t do nobody esle. All we can do is ourselves. and do the best job we can do, so warsh yer hands, wear a mask, and don’t touch yer face. And for the love of the god, the goddess and everybody on beyond
Do the Masque!
Masque Up!
Do the Masque!
Masque Up!
Do the Masque!
Masque Up!
Do the Masque!
Masque Up!
Do the Masque!
Masque Up!
The Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT is a joint effort of Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents, TransPride Pittsburgh, and PGH Equality Center to connect our trans, queer, and LGBTQIA+ neighbors with face mask resources that are free and/or affordable. We distribute donated masks and promote queer owned and LGBTQ friendly vendors.
Donations not required, but appreciated.
Venmo @Pghlesbian
Cash App $pghlesbian
Contact us
Song by Phat Man Dee and Hugh Prentiss
Video edit by Phat Man Dee
Photos provided by Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT