How are the cats?

Adopt a Kitten

Far too much time has gone by since I posted an update on our foster/feral cats and kittens, or our resident critters as a matter of fact. These are tails I weave daily via my social media feeds if you have a craving for critter pics and updates.   Our foster kittens – Susie Myerson, […]

Pittsurgh LGBTQ Blog Launches ‘Steel City Snowflakes’ Campaign on 10th Anniversary of Snowmageddon

Steel City Snowflakes

Pittsurgh LGBTQ Blog Launches ‘Steel City Snowflakes’ Campaign on 10th Anniversary of Snowmageddon   PITTSBURGH – A local blog had launched an innovative fundraising campaign, leaning into the image of progressive ‘snowflakes’ with a new website app creating digital snowflakes for donors. Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents created Steel City Snowflakes to highlight the strength and endurance […]


Minute by minute with anxiety

Content Note: anxiety, trauma I have this stubborn belief that I can somehow untangle the strands of my anxiety from the strands of my trauma responses, that there is a clear line of delineation I can find if I just keep trying to feel my way through the fibers wrapped tightly around my chest. My […]