This is our annual round-up of Toys for Tots programs in Western Pennsylvania. I’ve done my best to sort through the available information and provide you what you may need to know. PLEASE click through to the applicable link to doublecheck the details.
Some of the Toys for Tots pages are harsh and regimented. Others are heavy on Christian themes. Some are pretty respectful and dignified. I wish I could make it more respectful and dignified for everyone. Also, I cannot confirm that these projects are LGBTQ friendly/affirming. Some are affiliated with the Salvation Army or other faith-based organizations.
Please share this information with anyone who may need it and share it soon – some counties have cutoff dates in late October. Share in groups, share on pages, share via private email. People need accurate information.
Please note that the Play It Forward project is another option. We’ll do a separate post on their organization. Their distribution is Saturday December 16 at the David Lawrence Convention Center. This project CAN be confirmed as LGBTQ welcoming and affirming.
Allegheny (Northern Allegheny, Northwestern Westmoreland and Armstrong Counties)
- Enrollment – MC Building, 838 Pittsburgh Street, Springdale, PA 15144.
- OCT 21st 900 AM – 100 PM, NOV 7th 900 AM – 3PM, NOV 16th 1200 – 6 PM
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
Allegheny (Southern)
- Enrollment: There is no enrollment. Simply be at the distribution with the required paperwork. Open House distribution for Toys for Tots is December 15th and 16th. Location will be announced on December 13.
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- See Allegheny Northeastern.
- Enrollment – Boro Building, 11th Street, Ambridge PA
- October 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 from 11 am – 3:00pm
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Enrollment information posted on Facebook page. Dates: Nov 4, 7 and 16
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Enrollment information: Online registration through December 12. Click here. Email : Phone: (814) 472-6440 Extension 221 or 229
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Enrollment: Registration for 2017 will be November 1 thru November 30. To register call 724-841-0431 Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. No registration will be accepted on Veterans Day, Election Day or Thanksgiving Day
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- See Blair County information
- Enrollment October 25th, 2017: 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M, 1:30 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. Location: The Salvation Army 576 Vine St Johnstown, PA 15901 814-539-3110
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Not covered by Toys for Tots.
- See Butler County.
- Enrollment: The sign up for Clearfield County is ready to begin as of October 20,2017. We will be taking requests until December 1st, 2017. Please either go to the request a toy, or call 577-8778 or 761-0393, or stop in at the Clearfield Food Pantry at 121 South 2nd Street, Clearfield, PA 16830.
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Not covered by Toys for Tots.
- Enrollment: 2017 Toy Distribution dates are as follows:
A-H December 15, 2017
I-P December 16, 2017
Q-Z December 17, 2017
Times are Between 8 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.
At 3938 Old French Rd
Erie, PA 16504 - Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- More information on their Facebook page.
- Enrollment: Date: November 2017, 10 AM to 5:00 PM at Uniontown Mall
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Enrollment: Please call Buzz Walters at 724-499-5332
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Not covered by Toys for Tots.
- Enrollment: See Blair County.
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Enrollment: See Blair County.
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Enrollment: The Lawrence County Toys for Tots are distributed through the City Rescue Mission Family Care Ministries, and The Salvation Army. Application to receive toys can be made by contacting one of the following.Linda Krumpe – Director
Family Care Ministries
City Rescue Mission
319 S. Croton Avenue
New Castle, PA 16103-0965
Phone: 724-652-4321 ext. 119
Fax: 724-652-4922ORThe Salvation Army
240 W. Grant Street
New Castle, PA 16103
Phone: 724-652-7921 - Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Not covered by Toys for Tots.
- Enrollment: Each site will be open at the following times: 9:00am – noon, 1:00pm – 3:00pm, 5:00pm – 8:00pmMonday, November 6, 2017
Shenango Valley Mall
Community Room (back of the Mall)
3303 East State Street
Hermitage, PA 16148Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Greenville American Legion
278 Main Street
Greenville, PA 16125Thursday, November 9, 2017
Mercer VFW Post 9536
423 South Erie Street
Mercer, PA 16137Friday, November 10, 2017
Shenango Valley Mall
Community Room (back of the mall)
3303 East State Street
Hermitage, PA 16148 - Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Registration on the following dates/times
- October 17th, 2017:
9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
The Daily American
334 West Main St.
Somerset, PA 15501
814-445-9232October 19th, 2017:
9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.
The Family Center, Wilson Community Building
314 Central Avenue
Central City, PA 15926
814-754-4157October 20, 2017:
9:30 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.
The Family Center
192 Smith Avenue
Salisbury, PA 15558
814-662-2721October 24, 2017:
10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.
Confluence Community Center
710 Logan Plaza
Confluence, PA 15424
814-662-2721 - Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Enrollment: Lisa Winger 814-677-4402
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Enrollment: October 19, 20, 21 and November 24 & 25, 2017 at Warren Mall, (middle of Mall), from 1:00-5:00 TOY PICK UP IS SCHEDULED DECEMBER 9th AND 16TH, 9:00-1:00, PER YOUR SIGN UP PAPER AT PENDLETON MARINE CORPS LEAGUE, 2355 JACKSON AVENUE, PHONE: 723-4913.
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Enrollment: Registration will be held every Saturday in November, 2017 from 10am to 4pm. Come to the Washington Crown Center Mall at 1500 West Chestnut St.Washington, Pa 15301 We will be in the hallway right outside the entrance to Gander Mountain.
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Enrollment: MR. Wally Fronzaglio 7243798888
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Enrollment: See Allegheny
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
- Enrollment: Will be posted after October 20, 2017
- Paperwork, eligibility and distribution information at this link.
If you have information on other programs, please email me or leave a comment. I’ll update this post throughout the holidays.