WTAE broke the story about Darlene Harris alleging Bill Peduto is registering homeless people to bolster his chances of winning reelection. You can see the whole clip here.
“I was told by his people that they’re registering them to vote on Watson Street in the Hill (District),” Harris said. “So, you know, talking about politics, I think it’s a shame to use people like this, as he is, for votes for his election.”
Peduto denied that claim by Harris.
“It’s absurdity,” he said. “So, she has now said that I am paying people to move into her council district, homeless people; that I am using city funds to buy their tents; and now that we are actively registering homeless people.
“First of all, the registration deadline is long past. The idea that you would have to be a landowner in order to vote in this country, I think we settled that about 200 years ago.”
Not to be outdone by the intrepid MSM, we went digging for other rumors we thought you should know about before you cast your ballot. After all, if people who don’t own homes are voting, you have no idea what might happen next.
Also, dear media, the next time you report on homeless people living on the Northside in ANY capacity – please call me. I’m a Northside resident of 12 years, have a degree in social work and will be happy to expound upon the topic. I am 100% serious. There are more sides to these stories than just blatant intolerance and hatred.
Other rumors in the pipeline:
- Peduto is going to give every homeless person a bicycle so they can travel to the Northside for camping/panhandling/loitering from anywhere in the City. All paid for by your taxes, even the tire pumps!
- Peduto is going to modify the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler into a mobile homeless encampment powered by pedaling complete with shower, washing machine and froyo machine. It will loop around Allegheny Commons and up and down lower Federal Street. If successful, he’ll replicate on other flat regions of the City.
- Peduto is working with the foundation community to subsidize an employment project in which people who are homeless are paid to do public works job like cleaning up parks and … oh wait, that’s an actual idea.
- Occupy Pittsburgh 2.0 is planning to set up a tent settlement near Darlene Harris’ house AND park their bicycles in all the best street spots.
- Meanwhile, Anthony Coghill was spotted in the Hill District trying to ‘persuade’ homeless people to wear Back to Basics hats and hang out in the Beechview retail district in exchange for tent stakes and discontinued Ivanka Trump casual wear.
- Dan Butler reiterated his commitment not to perform marriages for homeless people whether they are gay or straight.
What are you hearing?