Update on the Lives and Deaths of Britney Cosby and Crystal Jackson

Crystal Jackson and Britney Crosbey

The story of Britney Cosby and Crystal Jackson resonates through recent events even though they’ve been dead for more than ten months. Britney and Crystal were 24-year-old queer women of color from Houston. Their bodies were left near a dumpster, Crystal died of a gunshot wound and Britney due to severe head trauma. They were […]

Je Suis Charlie

Will Dan Savage Bring His Best Santorum to the US Capitol Steps?

Rick Santorum internship

I’m fairly certain I’m one of a handful of 44 year old people who still list their college internship on their resume. My six-month stint with then-Congressman Rick Santorum in 1991 has proved to be one of the most unintentionally fruitful items on my list of professional accomplishments. Thanks to Santorum’s decision to run for […]

Bisexual Resource Center in Pittsburgh

Bisexual Resource Center

I’ve shared this story before, but it continues to resonate for me (in a negative way) even many years later. I was at a meeting of community leaders called together to discuss some “issues” and the convener made an off-the-cuff remark about transgender people never attending things and bisexuals “well, we know that they don’t […]

Pittsburgh Vigil for Andi Woodhouse, Trans Man Who Died By Suicide

Andi Woodhouse Vigil

On Saturday, January 3, a dozen people gathered on the 10th Street Bridge near Pittsburgh’s South Side to honor the memory of Andi Woodhouse. Andi was a 24-year-old trans man, a new resident of Pittsburgh who died by suicide in mid-December at this location. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette did a nice story leading into the vigil. […]

Sin Auld Lang Syne

I’ve been reflecting on 2014 as I decide what I want to carry with me into the future. With just four days of 2015 under my belt, there’s still time to give it some consideration. Resolutions aren’t limited to creating a new and improved you – they can also offer us a chance to reflect […]

A New Year’s Resolution Led Me To Ledcat

Pittsburgh Snow Lesbians

Between 2001 and 2002, I worked on my own and could go an entire day without seeing other people except neighbors and retail workers. I decided to do better so for 2003, I resolved to try one new “lesbian” thing each month. It could be an activity, a social event, a meeting, whatever. It had […]